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Preparation and Trials of Hepatitis C – Nosode

Hepatitis C nosode was developed by Dr. Shah around 2008. It is a polyvalent preparation sourced from a standardized preparation containing the Hepatitis C virus. The preparation underwent the process of potentization and ultra-dilution, rendering it free from any toxicity and making it safe for human use.(1) The preparation was made under the observation of a team of scientists including virologists, hepatologists, immunologists, legal experts, and physicians.

Hepatitis C nosode underwent a human trial called Pathogenetic trial (1) as well as Clinical trial(2) on patients suffering from Hepatitis C infection. The studies have demonstrated the anti-Hepatitic C activity of this preparation by reducing the viral load in the responder group. In another interesting study, the study has demonstrated anti-cancer activity of Hepatitis C nosode in a cell line model, against liver cancer. (3)

Clinical indications of Hepatitis C

  1. Hepatitis C infection at any stage
  2. Chronic Hepatitis due to any aetiology
  3. Liver cancer
  4. Oral Lichen Planus


  1. “Hepatitis C Nosode: The preparation and homeopathic pathogenetic trial” in Homeopathy; Vol. 102, (3), pp 207-214: July 2013.
  2. “A Clinical Evaluation of a Hepatitis C Nosode in the Treatment of Hepatitis C”
    Shah Rajesh. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. March 2016, 22(3): 197-203.
  3. “A homeopathic nosode, Hepatitis C 30 demonstrates anticancer effect against liver cancer cells in vitro by modulating telomerase and topoisomerase II activities as also by promoting apoptosis via intrinsic mitochondrial pathway”, Khuda Bukhsh AR. Shah Rajesh. Das J. Mondal J. Journal of Integrative Medicine, May 2016, Vol.14, No.3.pp 209-18,